
We can all look and watch the same thing a million times, but every person will see something different.
Correspondent: Redacted. Journalist: Uncaptured Media. Filmmaker: Another Vision.
Data scientist, AI builder, mind-hacker, and crypto futurist with D.Phil from Oxford.
Keri is the host of Deprogrammed, a show about ideology and culture that gets to the heart of the Social Justice Belief System
🤣Welcome to Laughhub🌍! Daily Dose of Humor🚀😹. Subscribe for Nonstop Laughs!🎉 #LOL #FUNNY #MEMES #COMEDY
Facebook Whistleblower and insider with Project Veritas. Ryan was a content moderator for nearly two years working for Cognizant, subcontracted by Facebook in Phoenix, Arizona. He worked in queues for Latin America and also North America, and reviewed and deleted groups, pages, posts, comments, and videos for Facebook and Instagram. Since going public in June 2020, Ryan has done more than 170 interviews. He is fluent in Spanish and semi-fluent in Portuguese. He has interviewed with national media outlets in Colombia, Brazil, Japan and Russia. He is a minor political celebrity in Brazil and has also spoken about tech censorship in Spain, Argentina, Sweden and Guatemala. He is a regular guest on America’s Voice and has made appearances on One America News and Newsmax. His efforts have led to a criminal referral to the DOJ for Mark Zuckerberg, and he also aided in an FEC complaint against Facebook in the John James vs Gary Peters U.S. Senate race in Michigan. He writes about this experience and his time working for Facebook in his book, Behind the Mask of Facebook: A Whistleblower’s Shocking Story of Big Tech Bias and Censorship.
The Original Nobody. All the other nobodies are somebody 😛 I like things, and stuff. Giggety Goo
Apr 2023
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