
Just a regular guy
Normal news is creating real news.
We create only quality content and feature the top news from the crypto world in our channel. Stay up to date with us. #crypto #blockchain #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #ethereum #altcoins #btc #investing #news #trading #investment #ico Disclaimer: All posted content in @cryptominds channel is not a financial advice and is for informational and educational purposes only.
I intend to provide the world with the manly kind of advice that it needs.
Home is where your heart is. Literally, if you are within your heart then you are always home, wherever you may be. Hello and welcome. Settling in nice and comfy I hope. Elderberry-Fox lives @PointyStik. You know, the PointyStik which points to the village of Elderberry. Welcome to my home here on Minds. Life is made up of endless moments so I capture a few to share them with you. I trade my photos for smiles and here I'll be sharing my photography with you and of course some other things that I find noteworthy. My motto is: "If I can put a smile on your face then my work is done" As to my own photos, they are the world seen through my eyes, straight out of the camera, un-cropped and un-enhanced. You get to see what I see. Please join me on my journey through the real world and the world of internet finds. Feel free to add me and comment Best wishes Mr Elderberry-Fox a young minder since 2016 #photography #internetfinds
May 2018
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