Why not take an unorthodox look at our meaningless lives in the hope that we can better ourselves by discarding trivial nonsense?
Web Development
Anime Memes
I’m a Gamer, veteran Anime Weeb, Cosplayer, Pokémon GO addict, and collector of figures/collectibles. I usually just post my random thoughts, cringe, the shinies I get in GO, my political hot takes, and some of my Ws and Ls ( but mostly my Ls! ;-; ) OG member of the @LegionofMemers#LegionofMemers#IStandWithVic#IStandWithGinaCarano
An artists from Sweden. I like doing horror art and write lore for my pictures as a creative exercise.
My main artistic mediums is ballpoint ink pen drawings, and watercolor paints with acrylic highlights and marker pens.
I am now a Twatter refugee and I will sorely miss all of the great Japanese art work I had in my feed, therefore, I will bring the art to you! subscribe to me for illustrations from Pixiv.