It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams
news,memes,history,tales and fable anything that might light a spark.
Welcome to my channel; Have a laugh at my expense, or maybe yours....
First Deadly Sin: The False Comparison
Second Deadly Sin: The Bad Example
Third Deadly sin: Ignorance as Proof
Fourth Deadly Sin: The Tautology
Fifth Deadly Sin: The False Choice
Sixth Deadly Sin: The Red Herring
Seventh Deadly Sin: The Wrong Ending
Γνῶθι σεαυτόν
Μηδὲν ἄγαν
Ἐγγύα πάρα δ Ἄτα
Now shh; go to sleep.🌑
Oh for those of you that want to stalk me further here is an alternative link to my bio
Hey Everyone!!! Little about me and how I came to Minds. I'm an ICU nurse who questions the legitimacy of some practices including vaccinations, nutrition, and the COVID19 response.
After using Facebook for years, increasing censorship on these topics has driven me to look for alternatives where I can share my perspective without fear of being shut out of the conversation.
Currently, my family and I are in the process of trying to become more self-sufficient. This has always been a dream of ours, but in light recent circumstances we decided to reprioritize when we would like to pursue these goals. We're sick of the leverage that's held over us by being so reliant on society for surival. Our goal is to purchase a large plot of land and learn to be as independent as possible. We plan to do this without acquiring any debt. We also plan to share how we were able to pay off all of our debt, including our mortgage before turning 30.
check out our adventure here on our YouTube channel.
New Jersey, United States, New Jersey, United States