You own your self.
Seek wisdom, find Christ.
Pray to the Lord for discernment. 🙏
Psalms 146:3
Isaiah 3:12
Matthew 10:22, 24:13
Romans 1:28-2:2
Ephesians 6:12
I'm Vilma the kitty and I purr in Finland. I like chimken snacks and pat pat pats. I share pretty videos and pictures of me and my daily life.
Nice to meowt you :3
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WeAreChange is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide.
Nov 20,2019: comments blocked. AGAIN BLOCKED, and un-blocked: 15 May 2019 from making comments( 20May2019 - now errors appear forcing going back to beginning) [harrassing]
7/23/21 - being censored yet again, can not respond to posts.
per other people's posts on minds; still able to post new material. Images blocked also.
2/18/2020 - blocked in places.