Nana Koban

Views131 Universe Explorers is a Hub for all things Ancient History, Scientific Discoveries, Free Energy, the Topic of UFO's and we cover the People from Other worlds . . . We welcome you to join the Discussion!
"I'm not a body with a soul, I'm a soul with a visible part called a body" Paulo Coelho
The Daily Ember was originally Berning Media Network which was founded by Patrick Vinson as a website. Now it has evolved into The Daily Ember which is a podcast show on current news and politics. This isn’t your podcast that sucks up to big money either. The podcast is available on all major streaming platforms, make sure to subscribe today!
- Cryptocurrency - German-Guy - Digital-Native - Creative-Thinker - Blockchain-Enthusiast _______________________ Visit me at Steemit: _______________________ "Of course, I cannot say whether things will improve if they change; but I can say this much: they must change if they want to become good." _______________________ If you want to think out of the box, you should at least have a rough overview of the contents of the box. _______________________ TOP SUPPORTERS AT MINDS.COM: _______________________ @Hereforawhile @ottman @ChrisandAmber @eliasnykrem
Progressive News & Commentary fighting establishment politics. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for weekly videos & Interviews. YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Support me: RT is a global, round-the-clock news network of eight TV channels, broadcasting news, current affairs, and documentaries
Hello, a Hungarian English and Maths private teacher, married to an English gentleman, so living in England. 'Kinga' means a fighter of her tribe - and that I am. I stand for freedom with responsibility, national sovereignty, knowledge over ignorance, and understanding over belief. I oppose the banking system, the EU and any hidden and visible selfish control over people. I love the aesthetic, that 2+2 is sometimes 5, and icecream.
Free Minds. Free People. Welcome to the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability. Please Consider Supporting TFTP: Tokens are HIGHLY appreciated! Subscription: Patreon:
Rachel Blevins is a journalist who is passionate about pursuing truth and questioning establishment narratives.
Oct 2018
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