
nature and life talk
Celebrating Black Excellence 😊 #bipoc #aapi #lgbtqia+ #intersectionality will all be celebrated by this channel ❤️ I'll be leaving Minds, soon. I'm going to a site that doesn't censor art.
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A quantum supercomputer calculating for thousands of years could not even approach the amount of fucks i do not give.
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I ran up out of that Facebook thing; so here I am, a social media refugee. 🤡 I share my work (#SWDesign), interesting articles and videos (#AllesAggregate), and Biblical memes and music! (#HolyMemery & #HolyFire) Prolific Profile Portraitist! 🎨 Armchair Theologist 💺 Messianic Post-Marxist ❤️‍🔥 Taking commissions 📨 [email protected] (I do accept tokens ✔️) ========================================================== I could fill this bio with buzzwords and polemic rants, but— Oh wait, nevermind. So Hai, my friends call me Sai. I'm am both an ex- self-described Marxist and new age agnostic. I am a Judeo-Christian. I consider myself to be a loosely Libertarian Independent politically, but I joking use the term "Messianic Post-Marxist" because there were some small (very small) kernels of truth within the rest of the critical theory/Communist/Marxist BS but I'm waiting for the true utopia. If you're not a Christian, it may seem irrelevant but all human society throughout history has been under a moral code, the "Natural Law". In the words of Doug Wilson, "It's not whether, but which." It's not whether we live under a moral standard, but which moral standard we live under. Many people who argue against Biblical Laws do not seem to understand this and therefore reject the imposition of any morality wholesale. There is no functional a-moral framework that a society can implement, the very concept is nonsensical. In the words of C.S. Lewis, "Whenever you find a man who says he doesn’t believe in a real right and wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later. He will break his promise to you, but if you try breaking one to him he’ll be complaining ‘it’s not fair’ before you can say Jack Robinson.” Of those who recognize an organized and dynamic society requires parameters and penalties for sustainability, their argument often centers around a straw man reading of the text outside of the grander narrative of the Christ. To be fair, I have spoken to a few people who seem more Biblically literate in their opposition than others but they are certainly of the minority. Even then their arguments tend to be compartmentalized, considering no distinction between function and purpose of the classes of Laws; i.e. moral, civil, ceremonial. Nor does there seem to be any developed concept of the application of the Law before and after the coming of the Messiah. Christ is the key to understanding the moral Law of the scriptures. Commandments, laws, rules, are meaningless obstacles to a seared conscience. When we stop making excuses and recognize our lies, lusts, and other terrible behaviors (this is obviously on a sliding scale) as sin, we understand we have no claim to being a good person in light of a concept we can all grasp but never attain: perfection. So the Bible tells us to heed the Words of God while simultaneously telling us we are not under the Law. It's essentially telling us, in Biblical terms, that you're expect to be a good person but you're not expected to be perfect. At least not yet. ;) The whole of the scriptures is the story of one divinely sent man laying His life on the line to justify all who would accept that. It says that commitment to living a morally good life despite our failings and trusting in that justification is the only way to truly live. ========================================================== Misc. I mostly sub for sub. Mostly. I use too many emotions, i know. ========================================================== Seeker Stuff ✨ (Youtube, some on Rumble also) Koinonia House GSR Updates (Genesis Science Research) Bear Independent Naked Bible/Michael Heiser InspiringPhilosophy Blog and Mablog Living Waters The Bible Project Remnant Radio Mike Winger Wretched Unbelievable Honorable Mentions 🎩 Sovereign Nations The New Discourses Philosophize This! Alchemical Tech Revolution ReallyGraceful Historia Civilis
I'm so critical of my own work that it's difficult for me to disassociate myself and watch it as an audience...
surfing life, enjoy!
Uncivilised. Doing Research and writing Historical Fiction. I see relations of dependency and inequality, is through the New International Economic Order.
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Mar 2023
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