I'm an independent author, a dad, a man dedicated to his woman, a tech writer, a lover of good music with meaningful lyrics, a Dead Head, an ex teacher and some other things that other people might call me and I disagree with.
Christian (Catholic even - go figure, huh?)
Writer, editor, investor ("a writer and, therefore, as no less than Kafka has told us, 'not a nice man' ")
Village idiot
Former rescuer of lost little girls, but I'm out of that business now (although I drink like I'm still in it)
Among many things I am also Writer and producer of my own songs. Genres is what I refer to as B2K (Before 2k, or 80's 90's sound, I register Creative Commons, feel free to use my music, just add a little credit line in a comment somewhere.). obviously I am an Advance Awakened. Spiritual questions... feel free to ask.