Up Next! Friday, July 26th, 2019 (Episode No.152) UFO Experiencer (Kate Thorvaldsen) https://dlive.tv/WPRPN Welcome friends, folks, foes, and fellow Pirate mateys! This week's feature guest is none other than Norweigan UFO #Experiencer Kate #Thorvaldsen. Born in Drammen, #Norway in 1969, Kate's first encounter was a face to face meeting with a small Grey, when she was only three years old. They visited her in her bedroom in order to check that she was in good health. This was the feeling they gave her through telepathy, while she, on the other hand, believed the Grey being was Santa Claus, because she had recently been told he would be visiting soon. Join us this week, as over the course of our approximate 90 min PRE-RECORDED affair, we connect South Korea to Norway. Along with all things #UFOLOGY, other topics to include: past-life memories, her experience with the paranormal, and commitment to helping Tibetan orphans. https://www.facebook.com/kate.thorvaldsen http://fromparanormaltonormal.com/ YOU-TUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5e-2Y-oj9FVp-7F6jkEnow/videos N.B. Continuing to BOYCOTT as many You-tube and GOOGLE services as possible, have your thoughts, comments and questions ready for the text chat area, as we produce yet another Friday night feature show, streaming out to the world via DLIVE. Friday, July 26th, 8 PM PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja 11 PM EST - Chicago, New York, Toronto, Miami (12 PM Saturday NOON in Tokyo & Seoul) https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ Be sure to check out our weekly "World Pirate Radio News™" stream, the same time EACH and EVERY TUESDAY Night (Wednesday afternoons in Asia) FREE! SIGN-UP VIA #WPRPNhttps://www.wprpn.com/wp-login.php https://www.wprpn.com/wp-signup.php

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