The Mobius Tesseract Hypercube Looks like, the below.. It graduates from the platonic solids as we traverse further away from the Sol system into our local star clusters and onwards. Until a Superspacial Self Reflection Mirrors back from the Universal Data. Take what you know applies to we reside within the Sol System of a 1D to 3D Tetrahedron, but, as we progress further into our local star quadrant, it becomes of 4D Hexahedron space. Then, further, 7D Octahedron, 0D Dodecahedron, 11D Icosahedron progression within the dimensional structure of platonic solids until Tesseract Hypercube makes a Mobius Strip effect back from "infinity" to "origin". The Posspace and Negspace keeps the sea of Branes of 11D within a structure, for physics not limited to initial effect of universal Brane theory initial conditions. Thus, multidimensional universes exist.