This was written by someone else, and I think this goes very close to the heart of the problem: ======================================== The masses simply dont care even when confronted by the facts, they ignore, despite all the enemies of mankind and their tactics this is to be expected that is what enemies do. The real problem are the masses, they do not care about race or country or simple human decency and righteousness, they care about degeneracy, hedonism and materialism, there is no spirituality in these people, ofc we cant paint with a broad brush, there are still good decent people, but the vast majority are degenerates. They cant resist temptation because they dont have the will power or the moral principles to resist the temptation. They are just pawns in a very huge operational theater. They dont have the courage or the guts to stand for anything, they arent simply misguided or brainwashed, they are cowards, unprincipled dishonest people and there is no justification for being misguided or poorly informed, it is their fault they are poorly informed, enough information exists, enough possibility and freedom to do what their consciousness should tell them to do exists. At the end of the day evil is alive and well because the masses allow it to happen with their apathy and cowardice. ======================================== The masses are walking towards hell or the nether regions, YOU better make sure you are the man (or woman) in red and walk towards heaven! (eternal hell does not exist btw, hell exists, see

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