Eyes Wide Shut – A Curious Phrase: The phrase Eyes Wide Shut relates to one of the methods the Satanic Illuminati employ to hide their crimes and nefarious activities. Eyes Wide Shut describes the behavior they expect from another member who might witness their performance of illegal acts. For instance, if one is called to testify against another, all that needs to be said is the cryptic “Your eyes are wide shut,” and the person hearing this immediately knows what is expected of them. Just as with the freemasonic sign of distress, the Eyes Wide Shut phrase is used to insulate one from suffering the penalty of law. Once this symbolism is understood, only then does the film begin to make sense. This film is a fitting metaphor for our times, as we face the reality of those among us who are asleep, and those of us who are awake, as our world has fallen under the influences of very dark and evil forces. This is NOT to say, however, that the Illuminati group of Satanists are only in our collective imagination, as they are a very real group that has been around since before the time of Jesus Christ. The imaginative cover story was that the Illuminati were a marginal group that was created on May 1, 1776, and disbanded a few years later. This is complete nonsense, as there is plenty of evidence that points to their existence in a much earlier time-frame. Lady Queenborough (aka – Edith Starr Miller), in her 1933 book Occult Theocracy, places the creation of the Illuminati of Spain in the year 1520. The Knights Templar, were incorporated in 1118, and several customs, rituals, and beliefs of the freemasons (Phre-Maison, Sons of the Sun) can be directly traced to Ancient Egypt and Babylon. This places the true beginnings of the Illuminati to 2589 B.C. to 1470 B.C., which is a much earlier time-frame than admitted to by establishment historians. At a casual glance, Eyes Wide Shut appears to be a story about sex and sexual fidelity, monogamy, and sexual fantasy. One of the fi...

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