ALBUM RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT: The time has come. I will release my album 'The Alchemy Of Sound' on... hold up. Read a bit further before I announce. Did you know that each time I drop an album, It's in conjunction with a celestial event? Bet you didn't know that. I dropped my 1st album, 'The Art Of Being Alive' on the Autumn Equinox (2007). I dropped my 2nd album 'Rebel's Odyssey' during Neptune at Opposition (2013). This year, I will drop the album on November 11th, 2019, during the Transit of Mercury. This phenomenon only happens 13 or 14 times per century & the next one doesn't occur until 2032. Check out the NASA footage below of an actual transit performed by Mercury & then tell everyone you know that Savage Sun is about to drop the best music of his career!

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