HANGING IN THE BALANCE ((( The Stakes Are High & It's Up To Us ))) -------------by Bullhorn Barry (Opinion & Encouragement) We've already witnessed how the far left and the corrupt establishment have no respect for the rule of law and how they believe that they are above the law. We've all witnessed their vile and bizarre behavior as well as their contempt for over half of the American Public. This is unacceptable in a free and open society. Believe me, If these authoritarians ever take full control, we can kiss America completely goodbye. If we only knew how much is actually hanging in the balance - we would be fighting much more vociferously. We wouldn't cower and be intimidated. We would be on the front lines fighting with everything we have. We would consistently be speaking truth to power regardless of the backlash. Who cares what the lying, thieving, and deceiving establishment thinks anyway? They're done for if we continue to stay in the fight and perform like the peaceful warriors that we are. So much is hanging in the balance that we can't afford to fall asleep. We can't alllow discouragement, doubt, or fear to set in. Those are the very things that weaken us and put us back to sleep. So stay in the fight and keep speaking truth to power. More victories are coming. #minds #nwo #globalists #corruptestablishment #peacefulwarrior

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