I’m wondering If some of you could help leave some fast fine back on a prototype for my MSc in Interaction Design, preferable do a screen recording introducing yourself and leave some thoughts afterwards :) MYMENOR uses AI to promote diversity in STEAM bypassing human biases which have heavily affected a field traditionally lacking in diversity. MYMENTOR will burst the bubble by propagating the right information, which has been moving around an inner less diverse circle in STEAM, often by word of mouth. This has resulted in groups being out of the loop of new trends in STEAM failing to be engaged and inspired to continue on their career path. MYMENTOR provides resources to stay intuned, promotes the learning of these resources through an AI bot Monica — who matches skills and interests to the right resources and aggregates a career path that develops with the individual's development through our own resources and integrations with learning and job platforms. Monica is not the first bot to help with career development, MeetFrank a HR bot has had a positive reception with 200,000+ app users, 2,500+ recruiters across Europe. Proving #AI bots can actually do some jobs as well, If not better. About the concept: I’ve been working in #tech for the last couple of years. I’m focusing on the design and implementation of #blockchain systems, with a focus on the developer experience, API design and documentation. I noticed often at conferences and work that I was the only female. This made me want to build an application that gets women first into new #STEAM fields. I’ve realised, everything that I have learned was handed down to me by a male. Which is fine with me but there are inner circles of information which are difficult to access without an informative. This is why we are building MYMENTOR. To get the most up to date resources and propagate them to more diverse populations. Mostly I just want to stop hearing “it’s good to see women in blockchain” I want female...