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Viking goddess : Idun (or Iðunn in Old Norse, meaning ‘Rejuvenating One’) belonged to the Aesir tribe of Norse gods, and as such, was considered as the Norse goddess of eternal youthfulness. This aspect was represented by her strikingly exuberant long golden hair. In the mythical narrative, she is also mentioned as being the wife of Bragi, the court poet of Asgard.  However, beyond her personal attributes, it was the latent power she held that is arguably more interesting to the myth lovers. To that end, Idun was said to possess fruits (epli, sometimes designated as apples) that endow immortality, as mentioned in both Haustlöng and the Prose Edda. In essence, her fruits are the ‘fuel’ that sustain the immortality of the Asgarddwellers, thereby making her a crucial member among the Norse gods. #Norse #mythology #myculture #Viking #history

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