Hello friends :) I know it's been a while and recently a few users inside a couple of groups are experiencing a decline in tokens and views. I got a large wire to become a pro member from a very generous account, however it seems that the current terms for pro wouldn't allow me to freely speak my Minds, and for me its never been about the money or gain but a free open space to speak. Anyways I'm rambling, instead of saving tokens for a month of pro, where im sure my account doesnt meet the guidelines I will be tossing up activitys and contests inside group areas, starting here!!! Contest Starts Today!!! We will be running the contest tell next monday (the 9th) focusing on ORIGINAL art or photography. Top hashtaged Art or image in this area will receive 25 tokens. #MindsGaming #Contest Rules: Must be tagged, Must be your image or art, and must be reminded with the tags to your channel for indexing. Good Luck and thanks for being a member here!!