We have an Identity crisis... We have fallen so far from who we are that we no longer even believe we are anybody at all. We may not put it into those words. But those are the logical implications of the prevailing cultural worldview. Think about it. What logical claim does something, that comes from a bunch of “it”, have to persona? And that’s essentially what we’re told now... that we come from stardust.... an explosion of material... that came from nothing... starting a chain reaction that led to you. But “you”... even that concept...of you... If you believe in the modern cosmological story... that’s all “you” are... is a bunch of “it”... because “it’ is what you come from. Why do you have your last name? That’s who you are right? You’re a (insert last name) because you come from a long line of (insert last name). But if your parents come from someone who comes from someone... who came from something of a lesser evolved state... and that thing came from something all the way back before that... and on and on, all the way back to that primordial sludge... and that coming from something long before that... tracing all the way back to a rock! A Rock! An it... If who we are... is where we come from... then we’re no “who” at all... Me.... you.... we all... are nothing but a piece of “it”! But I don’t believe that. You shouldn’t believe that. Go look into the mirror...can you really tell me... in your heart of hearts... with all your vast human experience... love & beauty... with all of our constant searching for meaning.. can you really honestly tell me that you, in no way, shape, form or fashion, would consider yourself as living out what best could only be described as a spiritual experience?!?! Who could honestly call it anything else?... Forget, just for a second... what info has been shoved down your throat concerning the naturalist’ origins of life story... forget that...for just one moment... and just listen... to your own heart! No way...