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➝ Max Heindl – The Path of the Unused Sex Currents, “The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception”, 1909 In the majority of people, the greater part of the Sex Force which may legitimately be used through the creative organs is expended for Sense-Gratification; therefore in such people there is very little of the Ascending current as shown in diagram. When the Aspirant to the Higher Life begins to curb these excesses more and more, and to Devote his Attention to Spiritual Thoughts and Efforts, the trained Clairvoyant can perceive the unused Sex Force commencing to Ascend. It surges upward in stronger and stronger volume, along the path indicated by the arrows in the diagram, traversing the Heart and the Larynx, or the Spinal Cord and the Larynx or both, and then passing directly between the Pituitary Body and the Pineal Gland toward the Dark Point at the root of the nose where the Highest State of Spirit has its seat. In one who is seeking Enlightenment along Purely Intellectual Lines, the Current travels particularly over the Spinal Cord, and only a small part goes over the path through the Heart. In the Mystic who Feels rather than Knows, the Currents find their way upwards through the Heart. This Current must be cultivated to some extent before the Real Esoteric training can begin. It will thus be seen that a Moral Life Devoted to Spiritual Thought must be lived by the Aspirant for a certain length of Time before it is possible to commence the work that will give him first-hand Knowledge of the Super-Physical Realms and enable him to become, in the truest sense, a helper of Humanity. When the Aspirant has lived such a Life for a time sufficient to establish the Current of Spiritual Force, and is found worthy and qualified to receive Esoteric instruction, he is taught certain exercises to set the Pituitary Body in Vibration. This is often done through Mental and Spiritual suggestion and needs no Physical teacher. This Vibration causes the Pituitary Body to impinge upon a...

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