#minds #myphoto #poetry #photography #blog I stay awake in the middle of the night, wondering where life has brought me. I look back at all those situations where I could have acted in a different way and saved myself all the unwanted pain. Its been soo long since you shattered my heart into a million pieces, even today i an picking up the broken pieces and trying to walk with my head held high. I wish life has an erase history button, then I could erase all your memories which pokes me like a sharp knife everyday and remind me every second of my life that falling in love with you was the worst mistake of my life. I just realized that these bad memories are stopping me from living, stopping me from believing. I am trying hard each day to forget but I am just not able to do it. First time in my life I regretted meeting someone in my life. But I can't and shouldn't go on like this, I will not give up on life. Just because you didn't value me doesn't make me worthless. Everyone deserves to be love and I am no different to that rule. I will be happy someday, I will smile again, I will believe again, I will learn to love again, I am not going to run behind happiness but I am going to keep away the sadness and the emptiness that is stopping me from moving ahead... Happiness is going to be that feeling when I look into you eyes and still feel nothing. Happiness is going to be that feeling when your pain no longer matters to me. Happiness is going to be that feeling when I will stop comparing myself with the one you chose over me.