The End Is Nye or Practical Contrarian Observations on the Rona Panic. Can I just say as a general thing here, not as an insult but a bit of hit the brakes and think, stop being fucking stupid. Somewhere right now everyone is slipping on something dont act you aren't. Ok, everyone is watching what's going on nationally but why wouldn't you? I'm not saying stop spending all of your new free time looking into exactly what is going on with us and China, just step away from the freak show a bit here and there to see what they are doing locally. Let's be honest here the guy writing the county zoning ordinances has a bigger effect day to day on your life than the president or China do. So what's that asshole cooking up to, get a little more money or a little more power for their job? Never let a good crisis go to waste is the cry of every beauracrat ever. What are they cooking up that may have a car with lights on the roof show up at your house? City Power limiting your use because of the crisis? Municipal gas saying they get to set your thermostat? The dog catcher doing wellness checks on Fido because you complied with regeristeting your dog? The police because you failed to comply with one of the other agencies who contacted uou? Or worse selective red flags? If you panic bought a bunch of shit and realize you bought to much and now you are broke, well fuck off and when your hungry eat your 12 years worth of toilet paper. You taking that back to the store for a refund should lead to a stock boy beating the shit out of you. We need to figure out how to manage the fact that Nationalism is back in fashion now. Someone somewhere is going to get stupid about it and cross one of those lines that make a lot of people hate nationalism. To much of a good thing if you will. I hate all of this garbage and find my self supporting making people pay for this with some displays of military dominance and hangings. To finish off with something philosophical.. the pic was sent to...