  • verified_user

Well, apparently the original poster blocked me. So here's my response: The virus is real. The deaths are real (though, more deaths are being attributed to the virus that were NOT caused by it). However, statements like this: "Do NOT sacrifice yourself and your family on the alter of economy!" ...show a DANGEROUS level of ignorance. The economy IS LIFE! How the hell do you think food gets from the farm to your table??? THE ECONOMY! Right now, supply lines are disrupted, meat packers are shutting down. Livestock farmers are having to euthanize their livestock because there's no supply chain to get them to market. Crop farmers are having to destroy their yield, shred it, and put it back in the ground, because there's no supply chain! They're losing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars. Many are shutting down. People are losing their homes! The amount of homeless is about to SKYROCKET! We're about to experience something FAR WORSE than the great depression of the 1930s! THIS IS OUR FOOD SUPPLY! Do you have ANY idea how many people are going to DIE because of the destroyed economy due to starvation, lack of needed medications, suicide, and the long term effects of survivors who had wonderful lives and wonderful futures who are now going to be stuck in poverty for GENERATIONS?!?!?!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU??????? All for a virus that has now proven to have a death rate at a MAXIMUM of 0.5%!!! MAX!!! And as low as 0.1% (the same as the flu)!!!!

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