BEAUTY IS NOT DEFINED BY WHAT WE SEE So many of us define beauty Based on what we see as We scroll through our feed. Body image, the way we see Ourselves is measured by a number On the scale, It is determined by the amount of 'Likes' we receive on a post. We abuse our bodies because We cannot reach this, False "Ideal." I have been there. It is Eating Disorder Awareness Week, And I know what it's like To fall so deep into your insecurities That it becomes dark, To constantly compare your Body to other people, but It only led me to despise My reflection even more. In the photo above👆 The picture on the left Is edited with Lighting, The pose (butt out and legs crossed) Different camera angle, Bikini bottom pulled up, Slight grain on image, and The one to the right Is natural. The difference between These two pictures? Nothing. They are both beautiful, And you may ask yourself, "Okay, Regan, well, if you think That then why post photos with Edits or different angles/poses?" Is it because you are ashamed? Not at all. The answer is simple, It has nothing to do with The way I feel about my body, It is part of my artistic expression And passion for photography. I have spent years learning To love my body as it is, If I didn't, I would not have been able To post this picture. We should not look At each others body, With eyes of criticism. Our bodies are sacred, My body is a canvas For my artistic expression. I have that right without Feeling ashamed or as if I am Being deceptive. In my work, I help individuals come to that Place of connection with their body, And I do not try to change their body, I seek to change their mindset. When we are open about Editing our photos, It helps others recognize And separate a photo from reality. Embrace your body, Nurture it, Love it, And do not feel that you Have to be a certain weight, Or look a certain way, To be considered beautiful. You are beautiful. Get the help you need on your Healing and recovery journey. We glow from wit...