If you truly believe in Jesus Christ, and you truly believe that He is your Lord and Savior. Then you would know, you need nothing more than Jesus in your life!!! For all your daily needs... Jesus never ever mentions the use of crystals, trinkets, or any material items that this earth provides, to help you on any spiritual journey or attacks from your adversary the devil..... In fact Jesus tells you to put your trust in him, to walk Christ like, and put your faith in him. Jesus also informs you about doctrines of demons that will lead you to eternal damnation. Just as much as you don't need a jab to save your life, the only thing that can save your life is Jesus Christ! So please stop putting your Faith in things of this world. Take off and put down all the devices of devils, pick up the word of Jesus, pick up the Holy Armor from the Holy Spirit, and pick up your Cross, and truly start walking the walk of Jesus.... The end times are here, and you truly don't have the time to waste. On the things that this world has to offer you.... Your only focus should be on Jesus, and all your worries, sicknesses, illnesses, depression, sadness, heartaches, etc.... Should be given to Jesus, for Jesus is The only one that can help you with any situation you're in.... Crystals and trinkets can only get you so far, because their powers come from demons not from Jesus..... And never forget that Jesus said he is the way the only way!!! To The Father, that in turn leads to heaven. "In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand." Archangel Michael

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