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Something VERY WRONG Is Happening And It’s NOT BY ACCIDENT!!!

Tons of crops are being destroyed in China in what appears to be a manufactured food crises as the worlds strictest lockdown in Shanghai continues. Meanwhile the Washington Post just doxxed someone who exposes pedophiles and sexual predators on twitter as if they are doing...See more


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How i long for the days i could have called this bullshit and went on with my day. Fuck this new "normal"


I've been wondering if the current draconian lockdowns in China are designed not to stop covid but to crush the American economy. Maybe they see that we're teetering on the brink of collapse, and...See more


Globalist attack on food supply is in-progress. The collapse of major currencies (massive transfer of wealth to the oligarchy) is underway and the economy will go down with it ... so they are preemptively going to starve the masses to cut short the uprising caused by economic ruin.


Or China is like two years ago letting Produced propaganda get out. The Chinese and especially commies do. It like bad press of any kind.
