A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness. The image below is the wasted body of 35 year old Hiroshi Ouchi, who had suffered a terrible accident at the uranium reprocessing facility in Tokaimura, northeast of Tokyo where he had worked, on 30 September 1999. The cause of the accident was the depositing of a uranyl nitrate solution, which contained roughly 16.6kg of uranium, into a precipitation tank, exceeding its critical mass. Three workers were exposed to incredible amounts of the most powerful type of radiation in the form of neutron beams. The micro-second those beams shot through his body, Ouchi was a dead man. The radiation completely destroyed the chromosomes in his body. The book written by NHK-TV called "A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness," when arriving at the University of Tokyo Hospital Emergency Room, Mr Ouchi appeared relatively well for someone that had just been subjected to mind blowing levels of radiation, and was even able to converse with doctors. That is, until his skin started falling off. As the radiation in his body began to break down the chromosomes within his cells, Ouchi’s condition worsened. And then some. Ouchi was kept alive over a period of 3 months as his skin blackened and blistered and began to sluice off his body. His internal organs failed and he lost a jaw-dropping 20 litres of bodily fluids a day. I'm happy to say, he was kept in a medical coma for most of this time."

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