Ever since I got a tablet for Christmas, I've been wanting to try and draw something with it, so this artwork was experimental to see how I was able draw with a tablet instead of a pencil and paper. I also tried a different approach on how I color the eyes, based off of a tutorial I saw on Youtube. Yeah, no backgrounds for this since I suck at them. I miss drawing them in years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DeviantArt:http://fav.me/dbenfn2 Tumblr:http://6t76t.tumblr.com/post/162459406833/ever-since-i-got-a-tablet-for-christmas-ive-been Pixiv:https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63647777 Twitter:https://twitter.com/6t76t/status/880997235881787392 Minds:YOU ARE HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jet the Hawk and Wave the Swallow are (c) to SEGA and Sonic Team. This artwork is (c) to me. :threaten: