Amgen is Willing to Kill Many Anemia Patients for Some Patent Revenue Yes folks, this is how #bigpharma operates all the time. Your health and well being will always take second place after shareholder dividends. If some poor sods are going to die as a consequence, well, too bad. In the military they call that #collateraldamage. Unfortunately such will only gain significance for most folks when the victims of these corrupt dealings are their elderly parents, their young children or their best friends. How sad. Sad especially that most of us take this abuse laying down and without a whimper. From the article by Dr. Roy Schestowitz posted in Patents: "And the CEO makes a killing, with $14,000,000 a couple of years ago Amgen embargoes Summary: Amgen’s aggressive patent strategy, culminating even in embargoes, leaves Amgen executives with blood on their hands (but also a lot of patent fees from serial litigation) Earlier this year we wrote a great deal — at least in passing — about Amgen’s embargo ambitions. It’s a company of what’s commonly known as “fat cats”. We even dedicated entire articles to this matter [1, 2, 3], especially in relation to Sandoz v Amgen. Remember that in this domain in particular embargo typically means death to a lot of people — something that seems not to bother Amgen’s managers. This aggressive, ruthless, greedy company has neither regard nor value for human life. More on my uncensorable, unstoppable, nowhere and everywhere #Zeronet Blog:

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