Intropasta So I've been peeking in and out of this platform since late summer when I decided to make an account, but never formally introduced myself. Now that it's March 2018 (oops) I thought I would. Couple of my interests and a little bit about myself... I'm not good at summing up who I am because there are so many varied interests and facets of myself that make me complicated—as many of us are. I guess I've always been someone into alternative things, ideas, and people who like to learn and don't flow with the status quo for the most part. I like gloomy weather, being a problem solver, grammar Nazi, and lifehacker, visiting farmers markets/gardens, hikes/walks, interesting conversations about more than just the usual small talk and mundane banter, birds chirping, coffee and tea, rainy days, cooking delicious food for people, always learning new things, stupid cat videos. I'm really into music, more than most people, perhaps. I enjoy nearly every genre, and even one or two that some might have never heard of. My fave page on here (for now) is the Pre-60s Music ( just because it's loaded with goodies I've forgotten about (and it's the only one I have found so far--this app is confusing and not quite as user-friendly as I would hope, but all good things have a learning curve, I suppose). I wonder if it's possible to start collections or something on here? Not to spam, but just share things elsewhere if I don't want them on my own page. I guess this paragraph is now a mishmash of thoughts. Sorry. I'm one of those weird people who really doesn't watch a lot of movies or TV and when I do, one who would pick a documentary or biopic over a comedy or some kind of block-buster (although I do have a few guilty pleasures, mostly titles from the '60s-'80s). My idea of a good evening would be either going for a stroll after dinner (that I cook at home) or having intellectual discussions for hours. It wouldn't have ...

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