I sit at a crossroads, a lifelong dream is within my grasp. A dream too big for one person to manage and manifest alone. One that requires the commitment of a team... working together for the greater good of all humanity. Healers, shamans, agriculture, animals. All aspects of CARE are needed to be a part. I am presented with the opportunity to build a physical home for my school and healing center. To the best of my knowledge, there are no retreat or community anywhere focusing on the energetic healing principles of activation of higher DNA, removal of Jahovian Seals, etc. A healing center focused on bringing about the true Ascension of man (and Earth). I believe (and have been told) this is my life purpose. So it is not something I will give up easily. But then again. I never have... I am not arrogant enough to believe I am capable of this monumental task alone. I know it needs a team. A team that is committed *MENTALLY * PHYSICALLY * SPIRITUALLY * ECONOMICALLY * I realize not all will possess all resources needed. But ALL resources are required. If you can only commit financially, or physically...I understand. But the mental and spiritual focus is non-negotiable! Do you seek to be a part of healing humanity, Gaia, and all her allies!? Now is the time to get in on the ground check floor. Help to manifest a new reality. One that CARES for ALL life on Earth. Message me if you seek to be a part of manifesting this. What skills and resources do you have to commit to making it reality! The payments on the land are reasonable but will not come out of thin air. And paying on land that we have no resources for the permits and improvements needed to make it habitable. Is wasted money. Let's do this right! I need a solid team, I can count on For the greater good of all! Who can I count on!? Rothi - Sacritineris.com

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