They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ~ Benjamin Franklin Article By Dave Hodges I'm exposing the broad-based attack upon Americans in favor or creating a world that is genderless, borderless and ultimately lawless. Americans are being attacked on multiple fronts. However, nowhere is the threat as great as it is with the attacks upon the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment is the only thing that stands between you and genocide which would be perpetrated by the Deep State. America Is a Fully Developed Police State: Americans do not live in an emerging police state; all Americans now live in a fully developed police state. From a false flag event, 9/11, to the development of the most complete police state apparatus the world has ever seen, one has to wonder what’s the “endgame”? The modern day gun confiscation efforts led by George Soros associate and leader of the modern-day Hitler Youth Movement, David Hogg(wash), is the culmination of what began nearly a generation ago with the false flag attacks of 9/11. There can be little doubt that 9/11 was perpetrated, in part, to legitimize our imperialistic forays into the Middle East which also led to unparalleled oil company and numerous other private sector profits. However, corporate profits were merely a subplot to the real agenda to the 9/11 false flag operation which was the destruction of what was left of the freedom and civil liberties of the American people which would eventually lead to the enslavement of all which will ultimately result in the extermination of many. Today, as a direct result, the Second Amendment will soon be put on life support. Let Us Protect You: All totalitarian governments begin their invasion into civil liberties with the promise of safety from whoever plays the convenient role of the “boogey man” of the day. In Nazi Germany, the original boogey man were the communists who allegedly burnt down the Reichst...