HOWDOO Howdoo: the messaging and social media platform for today’s generation, inspiring more culturally rewarding, trusted,and value-driven social engagement. An introduction to Howdoo Imagine taking all that’s right about it – the ability to stay in touch with friends and family, colleagues and like-minded individuals, to share news and updates, celebrate winning and overcome losing – and putting that power in the hands of the people actually using it. Imagine a decentralized platform that doesn’t monetize personal data and content for the benefits of a few owners and shareholders. Rather it enables all involved to become part of a financially rewarding community of users who collectively benefit from the commercial viability of the network. Imagine too a platform that properly rewards content creators for their efforts, provides a mechanism for followers to tip their efforts and offers advertisers the ability to connect directly with their target audiences, and to engage with people who have proactively agreed to consume this content in return for a share of the overall campaign cost.  A platform based on the values of equality, integrity, and meritocracy. Where a person’s contribution is translated into measurable value. Where advertising becomes a revenue stream for the person reading it, or simply switched off all together. And where the rewards for participation equate to real wealth that’s allowed to break free from the traditional limitations surrounding money transfer Our purpose Howdoo is a platform that enables mass social communication and interaction. But more than that, it’s a platform that’s designed to revolutionize the current social media landscape by inspiring a de-centralized approach to sharing and consuming content – as well as all associated transactions. We will achieve this by putting the individual, every individual, in control of what they see and do, of who and what they choose to engage with, and how they decide to attribute v...

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