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Congregations were stifled by the Galactic Assembly’s strict laws for uplifting, the process by which a near-sentient animal was made into an intelligent race. According to G.A. Law, any uplifted race must serve their benefactor for at least 20,000 galactic years without question. That damned monolithic conglomerate – so set in their ways, so despising of change. The uplifted races were often nothing more than serfs, slaves even, commonly used as cheap cannon fodder to fight in the Old Races’ ancient squabbles. Therefore, Shadow Congregations existed, who would aid species in the backwards part of the Galaxy, the Fringe Space. G.A. Enforcers often mercilessly exterminated those altruistic scientists upon locating their enclaves. Humanity was most hated by the G.A., because of their benevolent treatment of uplifted races. The Terran Empire offered all slaves freedom, from the moment their ships entered Imperial space. Not only that, but humans created their own client races and gave them equal rights as citizens! If not for the alliance with the mighty Kil’ra Empire, humanity would’ve been wiped out, together with their client races.

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