QUADRANT PROTOCOL - A NEW GENERATION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION The modern world is all on the same pillar - information! I think everyone knows the expression "Who owns the information that owns the world!" Therefore, it is for this information that all high-ranking persons of the world, politicians, millionaires, heads of state, monks in Tibet, ordinary people are fighting. Someone wants to know their future and goes to the fortune-teller; someone wants to know the history and goes to the excavations. Moreover, someone just opens Google. In addition, in this Google people, every second publish tons of information, but how to find out which of this is true, and which is false – this is a real problem of the modern world. The new project solves this problem - Quadrant Protocol! THE ESSENCE OF THE PROJECT Quadrant Protocol is a simple and accessible for each informational system on the blockchain, which will enable you to quickly, accurately analyze data from the Internet. In addition, the main function will be selection of necessary for each user information, its processing, and verification of full reliability. All product features will be available to various campaigns, banks, and ordinary network users. That is, absolutely anyone who wants can find the information necessary for him, check it for credibility, truthfulness, and find its source. FEATURES To solve the problem of truthful and reliable information, the main functions of the Quadrant Protocol project will be the following: 1. Proof of Data Authenticity and Provenance; 2. Constellations for Disparate Data Sources; 3. Fair Remuneration and Incentive Sharing. Quadrant will require that all data is publicly stamped so that its origin will always be known. TOKEN SALE OVERVIEW Token - eQuad Soft Cap - $3 million USD soft cap Hard Cap - $20 million USD hard cap Currencies for Buying Token - ETH Price - 1 ETH = 10,782 eQUAD Who Can Participate - Whitelisting process. BUT (PAY ATTENTION) no citizens of Unite...

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