REVIEW OF ICO RATEONIUM Hello everyone, readers of my blog Syndrome ICO. I will explain a bit about the crypto currency project, This is most relevant in the world of crypto currency, which is characterized by its high volatility. I decided to look for a project where all the tools for productive, high-quality and profitable trading by crypto-currencies will gather. And this is the RATEONIUM project. Rateonium is a very comprehensive ranking system that can be customized for each group of customers, allowing consumers to interact with the business much better than before. It has a simple design with a basic algorithm that allows users to provide reviews with more relevant content. A variety of languages combined with universal partner companies help ensure that the Rateonium ecosystem will always be diverse and vibrant. Rateonium collects qualitative and individual consumer data for companies, while the respective consumer is rewarded at the same time with the Rateonium currency by means of an automated algorithm. Rateonium offers its users a modern purchase experience with an app powered by metadata – free from manipulation and data misuse. We support our Rateonium business clients by implementing modern, long-term quality and customer relationship management processes in the platform. THE APP The Rateonium App is the heart of the innovative rating system. It contains all functions such as the rating of companies or the Around Me function. In order not to counteract the growth planned by Rateonium, the application is available as a free download for every future user. After the user has created his account and the personal data has been encrypted by the RATE-SAFE process, the user can access all application areas of the app. This enables him to see reviews of restaurants nearby and mark them as helpful or write reviews of a perceived service himself. SECURITY These days, data is considered internet gold and is available anywhere in the...

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