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Check this awesome review courtesy of @FloriaMagnifico! From the fertile imagination of the author, The Dark Knight comes a collection of powerful characters whose stories are enthralling and entertaining! Readers will meet Lilly, who is resourceful and tough as nails, somewhat of a surprise when one considers she is a bunny. Even smaller, we have Awesome, a tiny black hamster who, with his AI sidekick Alice, can salvage and rebuild destroyed spaceships, disarm bombs, and is quick with a joke. There is also Dozan'Re, a giant and a fearsome warrior who can rally an exhausted and nearly broken group of people into successfully defending all that they have left against evil intruders bent on destroying their way of life. The telepathic and powerful Boris disciplines himself for years in a forced labor camp in order to one day be free and avenge the souls of so many unfortunate slaves that were trapped with him in the camp. These are but a few examples of the characters populating The Dark Knight's first literary foray, and he has given them all interesting backstories as well as setting up nicely for his next book. At present, these entities have gathered on the spaceship "Starshatter" after battling aliens, pirates, and terrible, impossible odds. In addition to being able to construct likable protagonists in each chapter, The Dark Knight has a writing style that keeps the reader's attention as he weaves this prime Sci-Fi series start-up, and he is never dull or redundant. I truly enjoyed this entire book, and cannot wait to see what the next in the series will be like as The Dark Knight takes us on a treacherous adventure through space and its many hazards. I give Starshatter a 5 out of 5 for creativity and stellar writing!

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