DNATIX - The next great era of precision Medicine (review and Use cases). The DNATIX project offers a lot of uses in my humble field ; the medical field. however, the layman and may not really understand the importance of this so, in the next few lines, I’ll give a scenery that depicts the importance of what DNATIX does. Let’s take Ralia for example, an 18 year old young lady who lives in a suburb in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. she has a family history of breast cancer (one of the largest killers of women worldwide) her mother actually died of it. Ralia through reading an article about DNATIX gets to know about it and in exchange for some money, she decides to offer her genome to the DNATIX hub where it can be accessed by third party companies. However, when she uploads her genome, as a result of the medical feedback she gets on her genomic data. She gets to know that her genome contains the Braca 1 & Braca 2 genes, the two culprit genes that predispose women to breast cancer. as result of that finding she goes to the hospital and is placed on tamoxifen an oestrogen suppressant drug and also changes her diet to mainly natural foods which aid in her avoiding Breast cancer for life. In this case, DNATIX has just saved a life. In essence it will offer a lot of people especially those in developing areas an opportunity to get underlying information about their health that they otherwise wouldn’t have gotten. Another example is Justin a final year masters in biotechnology student, at university of Luxembourg. as part of his final project he has been asked to study the genomes of 100 Africans to find out what predisposes them more to sickle cell anaemia and compare them with that of caucasians and find out what gives them partial immunity to it. Conventionally this would have cost justin thousands of dollars in research expenses and lots more due to sourcing of candidates by having to travel to Africa, however when he finds out about DNATIX project, he joins and ...

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