YUMERIUM: LIVE IT AND BELIEVE IN IT They have been extorting you, they have been tapping from your intellectual property, they have made life not worthwhile and business unpleasurable, but who are they?, IMPOSTORS!!!!!!!!. As a game developer, you will agree with me that your product design is not the only thing that you have had to think about, but also finding the right channel and means to adopt in terms of promotion, in order to bring your intellects closer to the right audience while minimizing cost. Keeping this aside, it will be of utmost importance to remind you that, the secret to making significant pull-through lies within a good promotional tool, a relevant platform, and the right audience on the long run. The last is the most important in that, no matter the bulk of money spent in marketing, if it fails to identify the right audience, and at the right the time, it will be just like fetching water into a basket. All these indices put together however determines the cost of production which in most cases is keenly determined by the platform through which such promotion is to be made. Overtime, there have been lapses amongst the indices either due to the centralized nature of the traditional game publishing platforms or due to increased cost accrued in marketing and promotions owing to the intermediaries that accompanies them. But which ever case, game developers are left to face the agony of several inefficiencies surrounding these perils such as delay in payment, inappropriate sharing of games revenue, piracy and a host of others. fortunately, a lifeline has been envisaged in the body of the YUMERIUM platform to address these menace. WHAT IS YUMERIUM? YUMERIUM is a game platform powered by the Blockhchain technology, which has emerged to remodel,fine-tune, displace and rewrite the traditional way of executing game publishing as well as address the inefficiencies that it has incurred overtime while also givin...

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