Throughout the ages, countless philosophers, scientists, and explorers of the mind have attempted to discover the properties and principles of an objective, “substantial reality”. It is immediately apparent to any other sentient being’s perspective that we most likely live together in a single world of matter and physics. Certain principles of this “substantial reality” seem to be completely static for everyone under certain conditions, and work 100% of the time. Examples of principles we know are gravity and thermodynamics. The ability of these principles and their effects to be demonstrated over and over, gives humanity faith in them to create freedom for everyone in the forms of airplanes, refrigerators, and cures to disease. We can already see the connection between true knowledge of principles and the creation of human freedom through technology in these examples. Perspective vs Truth Humans have a set of sensory organs that input a very small amount of information from our environment into our brain. This is why, each person is said to have a perspective, or a lens with which they are viewing reality. The truth or the objective substantial reality can be depicted as a straight line which does not move. Our perspectives on the other hand are limited and usually based on belief, which causes them to vary wildly from the truth like a wave. The very best that we can do, is attempt to align our individual perspectives with the truth. Requirements exist in reality. If you want something to be different than its default condition, requirement exists. To build a computer, you must first have all of the correct components and assemble them. To build a house, you must first clear the land, and build a strong foundation. If what we are creating as humanity is continually the opposite of what we want, then logically we either do not know the requirements or they are being ignored by an extremely large majority of people. I think that ignorance of the truth is the main c...

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