THE BEST PLATFORM FOR ALL BUSINESS Many times businesses fail to thrive because of many factors such as unfavorable economic setting, poor financing, poor advertising, poor management strategies, misuse of available resources and many others. The truth is that we fail to recognize that one of the major drivers of the economy of any society are businesses especially small businesses and it is unfortunate that most times these businesses are not encouraged or incentivized to thrive, most are being neglected and even unfavorable government policies choke them up these days, but if we want to boost an economy to do better, then small businesses must be encouraged, assisted and incentivized. So what are the major challenges affecting business today? They include but not limited to the following poor planning, management of resources and marketing strategies which yields little to no results, existing middlemen such as agencies, cash back industries, banks who do not add value to most businesses but prey on the little resources they have and maximize their profit from these thriving businesses. Another problem or challenges businesses face these days is poor community involvement or participation which eventually leads to less consumer satisfaction and less profit and creates a gap between businesses and customers because most customers feel that there’s no point getting involved in a business that does not satisfy them. Even with the innovation of the blockchain and cryptocurrency technology various tokens have sprung up there is still the confusion of which token has value and which token are recognized as assets all because of the fear of running at a loss due to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. This then begs the following questions. Do we have a platform that seeks to solve all these problems and more? A platform that is dedicated and well equipped to assist and incentivize business ensuring their growth, development and ultimately the economic growth ...

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