FLIPNPIK: I JUST GOT A NEW LIFELINE It is nothing new that social media is the latest buzzered in small business marketing but however, raises issues like; how can you use it to grow your small business?, does it need special talent?, does it take a lot of your time?. interestingly, the answer is capital "NO" in the sense that when people think about the social media, they usually focus on one of the two main platforms namely; facebook and twitter. But of course, there are more platforms than just the two, therefore there would be need to consider what your goal is with social media such as choice of brand awareness or acquisition of more customers, or building cordial relationships with your customers. Once this is established (goal), the need for choosing the correct platform to trend on becomes the next item aside knowing the right audience for your brand, and where to find them. it is based on the fore-going that the FlipNpik platform has evolved to help you achieve that goal you have always dreamt of and on the long run propelling your business to that lofty height that it truly deserves. WHAT IS FLIPNPIK The FlipNpik network is a revolutionary platform that has incorporated the blockchain technology to becoming the first collaborative commercial social media that offers a lifetime to small (local) businesses to achieving their respective business breakthroughs through its awareness protocol that is powered by the engagement of their community as well as their brand ambassador via its participatory model which is designed with a reward system, thus encouraging them to supply the right stock of content that best suits the growth of the business in which they are incorporated. By so doing, based on the above, the platform is bent on redefining and providing an atmosphere for these businesses to develop their digital brand which will attract more customers invariably being proud and viable beneficiaries from what is termed as the 360' v...

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