Hello everyone, it is with a saddened heart that our Facebook page at https://facebook.com/edurepo.1 was deleted and barred from Facebook without any warning. We have went to our page URL and it isn't found, our Facebook page isn't under our account and has entirely been removed from our business manager account on Facebook. This happened after I ran a series of conservative posts on a separate Facebook page and on my profile. We haven't posted anything against FB's TOS and we have not been given a reason why this page was deleted. This Facebook page that was deleted was for an e-learning provider and startup that is currently over 4 years old and serves content to over 54k+ students across a variety of platforms (edustudio.org). Mentors4EDU is also currently a finalist team in one of the XPrizes related to adult literacy. The fact that our page was removed without us knowing (even if it may have been a mistake) means that a random Facebook employee could go around deleting people's Facebook pages with no warning in advance, and the page owner can find out by mere coincidence logging in finding his page "vanished". This kind of orwellianism is absolutely disgusting, and it is one of the core reasons I hope platforms like Minds.com or Gab.ai starts flourishing. I experienced similar censorship on Twitter before with a variety of my followers vanishing whenever I post something remotely conservative (though I have had a high Twitter Audit score and increased popularity). On other platforms it has been hard for me to grow and keep my business sustainable. I even started doing screenshots or archiving more often off worry of something being deleted. Unfortunately, I didn't do that with Facebook, having no idea Facebook would go as far to delete a startup's page.