Yep! crackdown, slanders, gratuitous criticism or attack, pack of lies... etc, #france #crackdown #liars #yellowvests That is the scenario we have to endure over and over again from french govt, from their so-called representatives. Here is a video telling about the way one of the so-called representatives DO LIE all the way! in a viral way! this is not the first time she does lie about the Yellow Vests movement. The real video footage recorded by the Yellow Vests involved clearly contradicts all the lies that the so-called secretary of state for ze "rights of women", named Sch*ap**, dares tell on a TV show. she argued:" there were about 40 yellow vesters into fury(?) shouting under their windows, throwing firecrakers on front house (?), shouting insults and death threats (??), banging on doors and windows, (??), tagging door (??), putting up posters, (??) all this in a violent way (?), children woke up, were frightened, crying, while hearing of intense threats (??), about incredible violence, (??) " Now, watch from 0:36 , the REAL scene related to Yellow Vesters standing near her house, singing the famous song of the YV Movement, just marching out in the street, carrying the banner with mention: ' demonstration declared of public interest' , while chanting famous slogan: 'street is public place' ... at 1:47 , yep! one Yellow Vest put up ONE poster on door, at 3:03, a man (probably her husband) opened door, at 3:52 protesters were leaving the street, they actually spent about THREE MINUTES in front of their house. well, spot the difference! ;-)


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