Up Next! Friday, July 5th, 2019 Episode No.149 - John Carman (Corruption Whistle-blower) https://dlive.tv/WPRPN Welcome friends, folks, foes, and fellow Pirate mateys! This week's feature guest is none other than former secret service, and law enforcement agent, California USA's John #Carman. Serving under both Presidents Carter and Ford, John also worked counter-terrorism out of Washington D.C. during the mid 1970's, before heading back to California for various other police work opportunities. Helping fight the "War on Drugs", he was transferred 2 U.S. Customs in 1983. Here he uncovered corruption, and reported on it, only to have his claims fall entirely upon deaf ears. #TWOSD Soon after, John found himself persona non grata, and no longer employed by any state law enforcement agency, whatsoever. As if everything wasn’t bad enough, he was then unceremoniously stripped of both his pension and job entitlements, all the while, down through the years standing his ground, even while being targeted with multiple death threats. #Whistleblowers N.B. Continuing to BOYCOTT as many You-tube and GOOGLE services as possible, have your thoughts, comments and questions ready for the text chat area, as we produce yet another Friday night feature show, streaming out to the world via #DLIVE. Friday, July 5th, 8 PM PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja 11 PM EST - Chicago, New York, Toronto, Miami (12 PM Saturday NOON in Tokyo & Seoul) https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ Be sure to check out our weekly "World Pirate Radio News™" stream, the same time EACH and EVERY TUESDAY Night (Wednesday afternoons in Asia) FREE! SIGN-UP VIA #WPRPNhttps://www.wprpn.com/wp-login.php https://www.wprpn.com/wp-signup.php https://www.minds.com/PirateRadioNetwork https://gab.ai/WPRPN AFTERSHOW LIVECHAT https://discord.gg/VSaV9sj PAYPAL - [email protected] https://www.patreon.com/WPRPN https://www.subscribestar.com/wprpn MINDS (CRYPTO) Wallet 0x1ec2ab21b467...

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