
Photographer - Art - Popular culture nature
MusicDiy is an international booking agency for musical artists. Works with the distribution, promotion, launches, booking, Gigs and tours. Founder and manager of the record labels 1001 POP ALBUMS targeted to pop music, and 1001 STONED ALBUMS to rock’n roll music. If you appreciate our work be a supporter and give us some Wires to keep it rolling.
Recap of all good things of today. I'd like to thank all of you who are spreading so many positive posts on Minds and making everyones day happier!
We offer unique fashion solutions to keep you comfortable, carefree and confident. We are committed to designing and promoting products that help you in find your comfortable side of beauty! Join Coco's Closet and receive exclusive offers directly to your inbox!
1776 vs 1984 I'm here because of Facebook censorship😤 I don't appreciate my thoughts being regulated online.. #FREEMINDS #M.A.G.A #AF #weThePeople #TRUMP2020++++
Be nice to one another, engage, good vibes, happiness, oneness, together. Spread god vibes and good vibes shall follow you around! Love you keep it real and remember you are your worst enemy and best friend - NEVER FORGET THAT! #social #media #seo #management #minds
Infinity Collection is best Jewelery store. we provide beautiful affordable gifts for any occasion by selling top quality, jewelry and Jewelry and Accessories for Every Occassion.
I love spending time in nature and capturing little pieces of God's wonder for people to enjoy. I don't make money with this, it just makes me happy when someone appreciates the pictures. You won't find me on any other social media. I like Minds because I can share these pictures while easily reserving all rights. I want to give my work to people that will enjoy them, not those wishing to copy or use them for something else. Share my posts with friends that love beautiful pictures!
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Just living is not enough.
Sep 2018
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