--- examining paths ---
I do find values from places others might fear.
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Sometimes reminders of things about life have a person running away from the reminder to other diversions.
Some just don't want the discomfort returned.
Obviously (or not so obvious) I am not with interest to increase anyone's already too much discomfort.
However if there is willingness to endure through to an understanding, there are these subjects which if explored well enough with a goal of empowering can be of help.
Sometimes there is appreciation for a type of idea in this space... and then sometimes not.
But it isn't the idea offered that determines which. The viewer viewing determines which.
As long as I keep my personal intent clean (sometimes requiring razor edge discernment) then the posts themselves should be without harm... any harm possible then is harm added not by me.
The process of my posting and the viewer viewing is a cooperation.
A clashing should come if there is a mismatching of the ultimate goal.
My razor tries to (and kind of does ok to) present ideas which are clean. Meaning without "evil" intention embedded.
If any of that is encountered, it comes from a different source than where I am from.
Wrapping this post up, please remember the fact that we work within the physical, which means there is an opposition - to everything.
So what I am honest about, will seem to have a flavor of dis-honesty somewhere.
Well, ultimately the totality of what is, is what one can know totally is.
So any result of our mutuality is a sharing result.
100% responsibility.
Patriot from Québec , I like history , sociology , phylosophy , politic , justice , truth , science , & resistance. Welcome to my chanel ya all. French & English. My english is not perfect , plz be kind
I am a proud American, a former Soviet Jew, a patriot, and an IT professional. “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.”
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” — Winston Churchill
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
Way too many of you dumb fucks think this is an anti-Woman or MGTOW channel. It's not. You're probably just a fucking retard. The amount of completely insane dipshits that want to purchase a fake pussy engineered for medical use on MtF trannies, attach it to your Roomba, and call it your wife is disturbing. You're all dumber than niggers.
And where the fuck did all the AIDS spreading faggots come from? I'm not here to support you either. You go in the ovens too, right next to that dude and his "Johnny5 is alive" wife.
And I delete retard, faggot, and spam comments when I find them. You're not entitled to upvotes when you're comments fit any of those groups.
I came to MINDS, after I was kicked off of facebook, for posting a meme that showed no nudity, and threatened no one. It was an opinion. I was kicked off for an opinion. I posted a meme that stated that there are two genders and the other 30 genders (imaginary genders cooked up by snowflake millennial liberals) are mental disorders. I have no problem with gay marriage. I could care less if someone wants to transgender themselves (as long as taxpayers aren't paying for it). Like Berkley, Facebook will not tolerate Free Speech. I have over two thousand friends on Facebook, Conservatives, Libertarians, Keks, standing Militia, and free thinkers. When my facebook jail time ends, I'm going to do my best to bring them with me here.
My facebook account. If you want to see what I was up to before finding MINDS.
We are at war. We are being assulted and the casualties are piling up....... Anti war, Anti Globalism and fed up with lying politicians, lying mainstream media and lying predatorclass. Above average interested in politics, geopolitics, exposing corruption in government and so called elites, exposing abuse and murder among the rich and powerful and all their human trafficking, warmongering and gunrunning. Actually I would love to see them all hang from a lamp pole on a saturday at noon. I`d bring good food, bubbles and make a picnic out of it !
With that said...I am a calm and reasonable person :-) Spend time learning and growing food.
Does anyone believe in democracy? Democracies only work for the 51%
Politicians say one thing in the election campaign and do something completely different as soon as they are elected. This is repeated every few years in an endless cycle of trickery and broken election promises.
You decide.
Time to wake up
Splintering Babylon - Documentary by James Grundvig & Alexandra Bruce 1 hour 30 mins
Title: Splintering Babylon - Documentary by James Grundvig & Alexandra Bruce
"Splintering Babylon: The Plan, Revelation, and the Path to Freedom" breaks many conventions on the lies of modern American history and the mythology around the Allies winning WWII. It also reveals the evil plans that are looming post COVID-19 "test run."
James Grundvig and Alexandra Bruce
A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY (PT 1): Dr Mark Bailey / Steve Falconer
1 hour 55 mins
Part one of a three part series. "A Farewell to Virology" is a 29,000 word essay debunking virus theory and virology, written by Dr Mark Bailey, MBChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc. It has yet to be contested and the purpose of this film is to explain why.
A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY (PT 2): Dr Mark Bailey / Steve Falconer
2 hours 20 mins
Part TWO of a three part series. "A Farewell to Virology" is a 29,000 word essay debunking virus theory and virology, written by Dr Mark Bailey, MBChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc. It has yet to be contested and the purpose of this film is to explain why.
This film version walks the layperson through the paper and scientific evidence in an easy, simple and understandable way, so that they may better understand and be able to easily explain to others the great hoax of the last few centuries and certainly last three years, that fictional particles called "viruses" exist, cause illness and are reasons to lock down and destroy societies and economies and cause lifelong disease and misery through needless and useless vaccination programs. They don't.
Part THREE of a three part series. "A Farewell to Virology" is a 29,000 word essay debunking virus theory and virology, written by Dr Mark Bailey, MBChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc. It has yet to be contested and the purpose of this film is to explain why.
This film version walks the layperson through the paper and scientific evidence in an easy, simple and understandable way, so that they may better understand and be able to easily explain to others the great hoax of the last few centuries and certainly last three years, that fictional particles called "viruses" exist, cause illness and are reasons to lock down and destroy societies and economies and cause lifelong disease and misery through needless and useless vaccination programs. They don't.
This channel may feature wildlife, guitars, cars, satire and parody, science, swords, and art.
I regularly create unique and original content to improve my channel. I hope you can find something here which interests or stimulates you.
★ Fauna and flora photography posted here is my own property with all rights reserved ★
★ All wildlife images posted here are taken in the wild (no photos of captive animals) ★
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