|💡 Veteran|
Ramblings and opinions of a man who wants to break the silence.
Awarded "Most Outspoken" by the Kitress of Scuff.
[NOTE: May involve lewd pictures of big bozonga'd furry women. I am not sorry.]
Just some weeb who exercises, learns Japanese, plays video games, watches anime, working on 3D models, gets real political, obsessive when it comes to American Culture a huge loser when it comes to RPGs, . Also a furry & my fursona is a hare, a faggot who's into lollipops, peaches, melons, 3 flavors of Ice cream & traps.
Introverted anime enthusiast who also loves alternative music and early 2000s gaming.
Initiator of following tags:
Prefer to stay apolitical when possible.
I post random stuff that crosses my minds, ROLL CREDITS, comics that I make, original drawings, opportune thoughts, and anything that I feel like as a multifaceted, perfectly functional and evenly deranged human being. For even spicier drawings check the group https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1271672912922808323/feed