
Brainstorming Ideas, Commonsense, Outside of the box thinking, Truth, Facts and Opinions sharing, Anti war, Anti Globalism and fed up with with lying politicians, lying mainstream media and lying elites of the world. Interested in Social Networking, World News, Geopolitics, Photography, spiritual ... I also stand for individual freedom. I stand against violence and corruption. I stand for my right to speak. I stand for my right to pray and practice my own faith, I stand for my right to agree or not, I stand for any cause that save Environment and Wildlife, I stand for World Peace, I stand to help the Unfortunate, the needy, the abandoned kids and create a smile in every Human Face... We All Are Human, Descendants of Adam & Eve, we share the same earth, sky ,sun moon and Air lets defend dements
I was @iBrainGood... Minds is not my home anymore. The powers that be, decided to kick me out. Minds decided to take my account from me, and won't tell me why or give it back. Please don't send me wires, I'm just going to send it back. Minds is not my home anymore.
This project was founded by multiple creators scattered across Houston, Philadelphia, Berlin, Beirut, and New York with one common objective: To test our own curiosity across the various mediums we are submerged in. With plans to initially launch in May of 2020, the Coronavirus had other ideas for us. Shackled to our desks, watching the world become more dangerous by the day, the next logical the next logical step was to ‘dance with who brung ya.’ For those of y’all that don’t know, that is Texas slang for ‘remain dedicated to your raison d’etre.’ For those of y’all that don’t know, that’s French for ‘the purpose for something’s existence.’ So here we are—a few disparate voices with a lot of ground to cover. Our ‘editorial direction,’ or rather lack thereof, is underpinned more so by what we preclude rather than what we include. No pseudoscience, no partisanship, no virtue signaling, and no sanctimony. We fancy ourselves as journalists time to time but sometimes dwell on the limited humanity of such a title. Imagine for a moment there was somebody in your life who ignored you until they needed something and then disappeared forever unless you had something wanted again. So goes the life of a ‘journalist,’ a seemingly harmless term and title that is now saddled with the sad reality of what journalists are in a human context. Human to human, person to person, journalists make formal, temporary relationships with those they need information from and then disappear into the Serengeti like the hyenas they are. We seek long term relationships with our subjects and subject matter and friendships that allow for candor that is otherwise withheld. We won’t spare you from hearing that we would rather be storytellers, archivists, ethnographers, and even sometimes, activists. Though we’re not sure what that even means anymore. We are firm believers that gallows humor is well important shit, and we have laid out a few expectations to help you better understand where we are going with this ‘thing.’ Our writers prefer cacophony to harmony. This ain’t no fuckin chorus. People here don’t agree with each other on just about anything. If you seek homogenized, congruent world-views, this is not the place. We have no boundaries. Nothing is off limits. If some necromancer could bring Genghis Khan back from his grave in Khentii Aimag, we would interview him. We’re not promising anything. We can’t promise when we will update this site. We can’t promise that it will be good. We can’t even promise we will try our best. What we can promise you is that we won’t promise you anything. No need to lower your expectations. We see the stuff the other guys around these parts are churning out and it seems your standards are already pretty low. We are going to fit right in. Just not in the way you think we will. We’re all in deep shit. If you are old enough to have lived through the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9/11, you are a lucky son of a bitch. That was the apex of Pax Americana and it is not going to get any better than that. It is probably true that if we do not get our planet in order we will need to get our affairs in order.
How the little piggies will grunt when they hear how the old boar has suffered
Where are the lies? And how do we obtain the truth? For such we may risk our very lives. I have a group that is open to anyone to join, but will be moderated to keep things mostly on topic. Feel free to come and look, join, invite others and make your own posts. If you are a fan of weapons, have survival tactics to share or are interested in learning them, homesteading, wish to learn of hand to hand combat, alternatives to healthcare and household items, and more, come check it out. Shining light into dark corners to reveal what lurks therein. neither liberal or conservative, I stand on my own two feet, thank you for your concern though, political parties. Although I could easily be classed as "right-leaning", even that is not quite true. I stand against evil, and that can come from anyone, that is my party line. I do not ask that you believe, to the letter, all that you find here. But do take into consideration how this may involve your life and that of others. This channel isn't about pushing a narrative. It's about showing as much info in video or text form as I, with the help of others, am able. Of course, I will have my inherit bias towards certain matters, will promote those opinions, and will speak on those here and there. All in all though, information is more important, and it's not really about what I have to say about anything. Topics below will be controversial(what this place is for, right?) so disagreement is expected but discussion is welcome and warranted on content. We should not just view this content but engage others with it. Opinions and theories expressed herein are solely those of the commentators within. Question for and seek the truth; take no man at just their word. A thank you and appreciation to all who view and interact with this page. I share subscription as well, so subscribe to me and I'll do the same for you, if I don't happen to forget to do so, lol.
Born a ways back...
Jul 2020
Channel Views