
#FLOGROWN native Floridian American w/ Cuban accents that's bin around the block! The Secret https://youtu.be/lj16MvB9YyE
Solarpunk game developer, Down Under. 🪃 ☀️ Check out the augmented eco reality game we are building, Descendants of Earth, at: doe.games 🌱 🎮
Outcasts of the Lord - ANTI-GLOBALIST NEW WORLD ORDER BAND - aka Rejects of the Lord https://www.bitchute.com/channel/LMj1vKat1B5U/ https://odysee.com/@RejectsOfTheLord:b https://twitter.com/rejects_of https://rumble.com/user/RejectsOfTheLord https://www.instagram.com/rejectsofthelordtheband/ Most of our music is On The Bitchute Platform NOW I hope I can raise awareness, even wake up ONE PERSON to stand against the new world order and live in TRUTH, but hey sheep are called sheep for a reason. Rejects of the Lord - The band is a hard rock classic rock heavy metal jam band, and DOES ORIGINAL AND PARODIES MUSIC EXPOSING AND AGAINST THE GLOBALIST NEW WORLD ORDER, we hate the C-19 depopulation control system Vaccine, we hate Pedophiles, we hate the Debt Slavery federal reserve ROTHSCHILD-ROCKEFELLER Zionist financial system, we hate NEO-FEUDALISM, we hate the transhumanist make-us-clones cyborg agenda, we hate the Climate-change carbon PROPAGANDA-LIE,hate seeing DUDES on the cover of sports illustrated swimsuit magazine being called "Female", and are here to take the illuminati DOWN. When Joe Kain or any other artists are on vocals or other instruments, I will note it in the song description. WE'RE ALSO ON THE BITCHUTE ODYSEE AND RUMBLE CHANNEL UNDER OUR BAND NAME , and even SOUNDCLOUD bandcamp (audio only) Looking to CONTACT US? leave a reply in the recent videos where i can see, OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL IS BASICALLY DEFUNCT BECAUSE THEY CENSOR OUR CONTENT
Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light ! Temporally lost access to my main channel after all the smoke busted out of my laptop and lost passwords,,, working on recovery ! https://www.minds.com/dislesickmick/
Fatherhood is the answer. Individualist, semi-isolationist, conservative, capitalist, center right semi-libertarian, non-anarchy, non-religious, with a deep disgust for collectivism, and racial supremacy ideologies, identitarianism, presentism, subjective worldviews, and the modern left as a whole with few exceptions. Freedom of speech should be absolute. But just because you are free to say what you want, does not mean that anyone should be forced to listen. This is why I block liberally. I do believe in judging others based on character and past actions. but the only consequence of my judgement is whether or not I will associate with someone. I have no problems with "people of the book" regardless of which book. Objective reality is real. There are no "lenses" to see anything through. "Your truth" is just a lie, that you say, you believe. "Communism, is when ugly, deformed, freaks, make it illegal, to be normal, and then rob and/or kill, all successful people, out of petty resentment, and cruelty. The ideology, is all just, windows dressing." -Jack Posobiac Bring evidence or don't make a claim. I will question it.. Armchair, Monday morning, politician, economist, philosopher, entrepreneur, and musician.
HELP SUPPORT OMAR'S FAMILY • https://gofund.me/d0f5c57a HELP SHERIFFO'S FAMILY WITH THE ESSENTIALS • https://gofund.me/b46cbc7e MISSIONS OF HOPE ORPHANAGE MINISTRY UGANDA • https://gofund.me/5c785ecb CHILD CARE MINISTRIES UGANDA • https://gofund.me/b77e5f1d
Just a guy, telling it and asking it how it is...
Page with 23000 followers deleted by Twitter GeorgeGarbow Website https://georgegarbow.wordpress.com/ for free videos, gifs, memes about Islam and politicians
Mar 2017
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