
Ephemeral Taoist Syncretist, Poet & Bassist. Surreal aesthete, an abstracted soul surveying psychedelia. Fungus farm pleasing people. God is a mushroom scintillating beetles. We are the beetles, appearing as people. Sunshine is the souls light crystalized by our life. Primordial chaos is perennial harmony and growth. In nature there exists no order or form that the mind does not impose or abstract, simply myriad cadences of organization and mutual arising; balance and spontaneity. No contour delineates separate entity; the confluent energy of our cosmos is an omni-coeval expression of being. This is the eye and its heart beating-
writer/Creator of Cerebrum NOW INDEMAND on IndieGoGo I’m also on YouTube
I used to be facebook warrior like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee.... . Find me on X @f1sherm4n_ . Find me on Diaspora . Feeling generous? Pirate Chain ARRR zs1mvx2svkrmp6snamq8pw53dmjtyhjhel6y5tx6wx72d05sl2g6ankgdhau6z2qkupk9juujw93k5 GHOST GRmQqk26tKMqA3VhmnFu1WC6itUTtLiNWP
The page of a fun guy who is passionate about sports, information technology analyst and family man.
A simple life man, an Israeli who is trying to make a living in America.
Spiky and Spicy, Not a Sheep and Not a Wolf, just a straight human.
love dancing and music 💤💤
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May 2021
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